Element: Metal. Location: North West - Helpful
Friends & Travel, West - Creativity & Offspring.
The colour of simplicity, pure and innocence, clean and clear.
Element: Fire. Examples of Pink fire
shades: fuchsia, barbie. Location: South
- Fame, Reputation & Illumination.
Element: Earth. Examples of Pink earth shades:
coral, salmon. Location: North East - Inner
Knowledge & Self Development, South West - Relationships.
The colour of love and romance, which softens and sooths the energy in any room.
Element: Fire. Examples of Red fire shades: wine,
burgundy. Location: South -
Fame, Reputation & Illumination.
Brings in energy, drive and passion. The Chinese colour of good luck
and happiness.
Element: Fire. Examples of Orange fire shade: tangerine. Location: South - Fame,
Reputation & Illumination.
Element: Earth. Examples of Orange earth shades:
terracotta, rust. Location: North
East - Inner Knowledge & Self Development, South West - Relationships.
Another cheerful warm colour creating energy for happiness, balance
and good health.
Element: Earth. Examples of Brown earth shades: sand, beige, cream, sepia. Location:
North East - Inner Knowledge & Self Development, South West -
Nourishing energy, associated with woodland and natural surroundings.
Element: Earth. Examples of Yellow earth shades: canary, banana, lemon. Location: North
East - Inner Knowledge & Self Development, South West - Relationships.
Sunshine, cheerful, warm and uplifting, brightens any area, cultivating
conversation and harmony.
Element: Wood. Examples of Green wood shades: jade, apple, moss, fern, lime. Location:
East - Family & Ancestors, South East - Wealth, Blessings & Well-Being.
Nature, fresh energy and growth. Nurturing for the family and promotes
prosperity and abundance.
Element: Wood. Examples of Blue wood shades: sky, sapphire, ocean, cobalt. Location:
East - Family & Ancestors, South East - Wealth, Blessings & Well-Being.
Light blues aid the flow of communication and encourage peace and calm.
Dark Blue
Element: Water. Examples of Dark Blue water shades: oxford, prussian. Location: North
- Lifes Journey & Career.
Dark Blues aid the flow of communication and are also good for safety
and security.
Element: Fire. Examples of Purple fire
shades: mulberry, plum. Location: South
- Fame, Reputation & Illumination.
Element: Water. Examples of Purple water shades:
violet, indigo. Location: North - Lifes Journey & Career.
Good for the realisation of ideas, imagination and innovation.
Element: Fire. Examples of Lilac fire shade: lavender. Location: South
- Fame, Reputation & Illumination.
Element: Water. Examples of Lilac water shades: iris, mauve. Location: North - Lifes
Journey & Career.
Promotes spiritual healing and good for meditation.
Element: Water. Location: North - Lifes Journey & Career.
Adds gravity, strength and clarity to any space, measured amounts aid
learning and absorbing information.
Grey / Metallics
Element: Metal. Examples of Grey Metal shades: silver, gold, bronze, pearl, steel, copper.
Location: North West - Helpful Friends & Travel, West - Creativity
& Offspring.
A complementary colour which can change the feeling of a room from gloomy to stylish.