Articles | Feng Shui Colours

Using Feng Shui Colours in Your Home

The following table lists Colours by Feng Shui Element and Bagua Location, describing how they can be utilised to create the home you want.
Element: Metal.  Location:  North West  - Helpful Friends & Travel,  West - Creativity & Offspring.
The colour of simplicity, pure and innocence, clean and clear.
Element: Fire.    Examples of Pink fire shades: fuchsia, barbie.  Location: South - Fame, Reputation & Illumination.
Element: Earth.  Examples of Pink earth shades: coral, salmon.  Location: North East - Inner Knowledge & Self Development, South West - Relationships.
The colour of love and romance, which softens and sooths the energy in any room.
Element: Fire.   Examples of Red fire shades: wine, burgundy.  Location: South - Fame, Reputation & Illumination.
Brings in energy, drive and passion. The Chinese colour of good luck and happiness.
Element: Fire.   Examples of Orange fire shade: tangerine.   Location: South - Fame, Reputation & Illumination.
Element: Earth. Examples of Orange earth shades: terracotta, rust.  Location: North East - Inner Knowledge & Self Development, South West - Relationships.
Another cheerful warm colour creating energy for happiness, balance and good health.
Element: Earth. Examples of Brown earth shades: sand, beige, cream, sepia.  Location: North East - Inner Knowledge & Self Development, South West - Relationships.
Nourishing energy, associated with woodland and natural surroundings.
Element: Earth.  Examples of Yellow earth shades: canary, banana, lemon.  Location: North East - Inner Knowledge & Self Development, South West - Relationships.
Sunshine, cheerful, warm and uplifting, brightens any area, cultivating conversation and harmony.
Element: Wood.  Examples of Green wood shades: jade, apple, moss, fern, lime.  Location: East - Family & Ancestors, South East - Wealth, Blessings & Well-Being.
Nature, fresh energy and growth. Nurturing for the family and promotes prosperity and abundance.
Element: Wood.  Examples of Blue wood shades: sky, sapphire, ocean, cobalt.  Location: East - Family & Ancestors, South East - Wealth, Blessings & Well-Being.
Light blues aid the flow of communication and encourage peace and calm.
Dark Blue
Element: Water.  Examples of Dark Blue water shades: oxford, prussian.  Location: North - Lifes Journey & Career.
Dark Blues aid the flow of communication and are also good for safety and security.
Element: Fire.     Examples of Purple fire shades: mulberry, plum.  Location: South - Fame, Reputation & Illumination.
Element: Water.  Examples of Purple water shades: violet, indigo.  Location: North - Lifes Journey & Career.
Good for the realisation of ideas, imagination and innovation.
Element: Fire.     Examples of Lilac fire shade: lavender.   Location:  South - Fame, Reputation & Illumination.
Element: Water.  Examples of Lilac water shades: iris, mauve.  Location: North - Lifes Journey & Career.
Promotes spiritual healing and good for meditation.
Element: Water.  Location: North - Lifes Journey & Career.
Adds gravity, strength and clarity to any space, measured amounts aid learning and absorbing information.
Grey / Metallics
Element: Metal.  Examples of Grey Metal shades: silver, gold, bronze, pearl, steel, copper.  Location: North West - Helpful Friends & Travel,  West - Creativity & Offspring.
A complementary colour which can change the feeling of a room from gloomy to stylish.

Click on the image to view the pdf version of this table, which you can download for free.

In Traditional (Classic) Feng Shui, Good Health is achieved by balancing all areas of the BaGua, as shown on the diagram below.
In Modern (Western) Feng Shui, Health is seen as a separate central section of the BaGua and associated with fresh shades of orange, pink and yellow colours, to see this view visit my Feng Shui Art page.
Above - Traditional (Classic) Feng Shui BaGua 8 section diagram.

Artwork you love, which contains positive images with which you identify or want to identify with, will help bring that aspiration into your life.

To view my artwork and information on which area of your home it is designed for enter the Gallery and click on the thumbnail picture.

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