News and Events

This is where I share info on the most recent additions to my web site.
If you've visited before and want to know what's changed, take a look here first.

I am the Healing Power Of Art & Artists Featured Artist Jan 2025

"The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS is honoured to present Julia Underwood, Jewells Art as the Featured Artist of the Week.
Her nature-inspired paintings radiate joy and serenity, and they lift our spirits.
Julia captures lush natural forms and undulating rhythms, with her superb sense of design and composition, and her extensive knowledge of
Feng Shui principles. She enjoys the diversity of creating small detailed artwork as well as large fluid abstract art. She states, 'I enjoy creating relaxing and uplifting artwork inspired by nature and gorgeous vibrant colours.'
Shown here is - Path of Life, a resplendent painting that conveys feelings of bliss, hope and promise." 
- Renee Phillips Director / Curator at Manhattan Arts International, Artrepreneur Coach, artists mentor.

Shown above is "Path of Life, acrylic painting on canvas" You can buy prints from the Path Of Life Page
and view my Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS page at

I am the Healing Power Of Art & Artists Featured Artist Oct 2024

"Julia Underwood, Jewells Art is The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS Featured Artist of the Week.
Julia Underwood creates vibrant paintings with rich colours and rhythmic forms that evoke feelings of bliss and tranquillity. Her awe-inspiring paintings portray idyllic worlds of hope and promise. Julia knows how to transport viewers to positive mental states. She applies her extensive knowledge of Feng Shui principles in her art. About it she states, "It is a Chinese practice which creates harmony in your surroundings to enhance your happiness, health and prosperity." Julia's art has been featured in several of our online exhibitions including “Art About Love, Peace, Harmony and Unity" and "The Healing Glow of Pink in Art".” - Renee Phillips Director, Curator at Manhattan Arts International

Shown above is "Path of Life, acrylic painting on canvas" You can buy prints from the Path Of Life Page
and view my Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS page at

My Happy Place

Painting is not just a fun thing I do to pass the time, it's my Happy place, it's where I find peace. The constant chatter in my head stops, everything else fades into the background and I focus only on what I'm doing - breathing and painting - meditation.
I wonder where yours is?

Did you Know ..

The UK Visual Art Market is worth £9.7 billion and is one of the largest in the world and plays a key role in attracting high-value cultural tourism.
From the British Art Market Federation

Jewells Art chooses Business Services who work to sustain the planet and its resources

to learn more visit my Ethical Policy page.

I am the Healing Power Of Art & Artists Featured Artist June 2024

"Julia Underwood, Jewells Art is The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS Featured Artist of the Week. Her resplendent paintings convey feelings of bliss, hope and promise. She captures lush natural forms and undulating rhythms with her extensive knowledge of Feng Shui principles.
Julia enjoys the diversity of creating small detailed artwork as well as large fluid abstract art and has attracted many collectors.
She states, "I enjoy creating relaxing and uplifting artwork inspired by nature and gorgeous vibrant colours.”

Shown above is "Path of Life", acrylic on canvas" - Renee Phillips Director, Curator at Manhattan Arts International

Art About Love Peace Harmony and Unity Exhibition
from the Healing Power Of Art & Artists - June 2024

View the original painting Koi For Love

I have recently updated my Feng Shui Colour Article for 2024

To find which colours work best in each area of your home visit my Feng Shui Colour page where you can read and download a colour copy of the article for free.


My first ever ETSY sale is live, 25% off selected items plus free UK delivery.
Use the link JewellsArtUK and select Sale to view all offers on Original Miniature paintings with easels, small artworks and notebooks.
Running until the end of May or until all the items are sold.

New Chinese Dragons & The Feng Shui 2024 Wood Dragon Article

Find Out all about the legends and symbology of Chinese Dragons and what they mean to Chinese Astrology in 2024, the year of the Wood Dragon.
Read the Chinese Dragons & Feng Shui Article

Chinese New Year 2024 Wood Dragon Prints

Available here: Chinese Wood Dragon

I am the Healing Power Of Art & Artists Featured Artist Feb 2024

"Julia Underwood creates breathtaking paintings with vibrant colors and rhythmic forms. Her awe-inspiring paintings portray idyllic worlds that evoke feelings of bliss, tranquillity, hope and promise. She applies her extensive knowledge of feng shui principles in her artwork and informs us "Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese practice which creates harmony in your surroundings to enhance your happiness, health and prosperity."
Shown above is "Path of Life", acrylic on canvas" - Renee Phillips Director, Curator at Manhattan Arts International

Chinese New Year 2024 Wood Dragon Digital Download Available from my ETSY Shop

New Painting just finished - Through the Waterfall

Original Painting for sale and Prints

Click on the image for more details
Jewells Art ETSY Shop
click on the image to take a look

Boards to collect together things which inspire me

Follow Jewells Art's board Photography on Pinterest.

Follow Jewells Art's board Jewells Art on Pinterest.

Follow Jewells Art's board Design on Pinterest.

Feng Shui Art

I've added new advice to the Feng Shui Page on Feng Shui Colours in a downloadable PDF, where to use them and why.

Inspirational Artists Quotes

I keep finding quotes from amazing people which motivate and inspire me, so I've created a new page to collect them:
Click Here To Take a Look

News Archive


The Steel Rooms Brigg
Oct 2013

Newmarket Art Craft & Design Show
Nov 2008

I am the Healing Power Of Art & Artists Featured Artist Oct 2023

"Her vibrant nature-inspired paintings evoke powerful feelings of tranquillity, bliss and hope."

Julia Underwood creates awe-inspiring healing art using her extensive knowledge of Feng Shui principles, rhythmic undulating forms, and vibrant colours. She portrays idyllic worlds of hope and promise and transports viewers to positive states of bliss and tranquillity. Her art is in many collections and she enjoys creating commissioned works of art for art buyers who may choose from several different portfolios including Portraits, Abstracts and Feng Shui.
Shown above is "Path of Life", acrylic on canvas" - Renee Phillips Director, Curator at Manhattan Arts International

I am the Healing Power Of Art & Artists Featured Artist June 2023

Julia Underwood creates awe-inspiring paintings with rich colors and rhythmic forms that transport us to idyllic worlds of hope and promise. Julia skilfully applies her extensive knowledge of Feng Shui with those elements in her paintings to evoke feelings of love, bliss and tranquillity. She also creates many commissioned works of art. She states, "I enjoy creating relaxing and uplifting artwork inspired by nature and gorgeous vibrant colours.” Shown here is painting by Julia Underwood titled "Path of Life". - Renee Phillips Director, Curator at Manhattan Arts International

I’m a Star Seller on Etsy this month! March 2023
That means you can purchase from my Etsy shop knowing I have a record of providing an excellent customer experience.

ETSY Jewells Art UK

Lincoln's 'All we need is LOVE' Valentines Projection

This animated video is being projected onto the side of the House of Fraser Building in Lincoln from the 10th - 19th February 2023, 5pm - 11pm daily. It includes 2 of my paintings: Darren & Me and Blue Cat.

Here is The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS January 2022 e-newsletter for you.

We are delighted and honoured to present Julia Underwood Jewells Art as Featured Artist of the Week. Shown here is painting by Julia Underwood titled "Path of Life". - Renee Phillips   Director, Curator at Manhattan Arts International

Julia Underwood, Jewells Art, is The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS Featured Artist of the Week.

She harnesses the poetic beauty and power of nature, relationships, and the spirit of peace and renewal. Julia, an excellent painter, applies her extensive knowledge of Feng Shui Art principles to bring more meaning and depth to her art. Shown here is "Majesty Waterfall". -Renee Phillips   Director, Curator at Manhattan Arts International

Tree Of Dreams
by Julia Underwood & Jewells Art

Has been selected and featured in the following Fine Art America Groups: October 2022
Painting the Old Way
Beauty in Art

Prints now available from Fine Art America

I am the Healing Power Of Art & Artists Featured Artist Jan 2023

"To keep your mood calm and positive we are honoured to present Julia Underwood as the Featured Artist of the Week. Her art emanates joy and harmony." Julia Underwood creates vibrant paintings with undulating forms and paths that evoke feelings of hope, bliss and tranquillity.
She has extensive knowledge about Feng Shui principles and incorporates them into her art. Julia believes, images and colours we see every day change how we feel, influencing our emotions and wellbeing."

To read more and view her inspirational paintings visit her Gallery and Biography
or go to the Healing Power of Art & Artists Website

Renee Phillips, Director The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS

I am the Healing Power Of Art & Artists Featured Artist Aug 2022

"Julia Underwood creates awe-inspiring paintings that portray idyllic worlds of hope and promise. She uses vibrant colours, lush natural forms, undulating rhythms and her extensive knowledge of Feng Shui principles. She enjoys painting in a range of sizes and styles and her art is always peaceful, positive and healing."

To read more and view her inspirational paintings visit her Gallery and Biography
or go to the Healing Power of Art & Artists Website

Renee Phillips, Director The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS

New Jewells Art Ethical Policy Completed

Detailing what I'm doing as a small business owner to reduce my carbon foot print and increase sustainability.
Click here to view my Ethical Policy Page

Showtime licensed one of my Wealth & Blessings paintings to be used in an episode of the new series of 'Dexter - New Blood' this Autumn.

The flashback bathroom scene of the trinity killer in episodes 7 and 9 include my painting

Symbology Diploma Completed with Distinction

In order to gain a greater understanding and continue to develop my art practise, I've been studying the meaning of modern and ancient symbols and their use throughout history, including the symbology of animals, flowers, and the hidden meanings behind numbers and codes, symbols associated with various celebrations, events and festivals around the world. The shapes, styles and colours of symbols have great meaning that can change depending on the location, beliefs and culture of the viewer.

Showtime have asked to licence one of my paintings to be used in an episode of the new series of Dexter this Autumn. The working title for the new series is 'Marble' and my work should be in Episode 9.

"Majesty Waterfall" is a gorgeous painting by Julia Underwood, Jewells Art that celebrates the magical beauty of nature. Julia excels in creating uplifting paintings and she applies her extensive knowledge of Feng Shui Art principles and superb painting techniques. She expresses the spirit of abundance, peace and harmony and reflects an idealized world we can enjoy.

Posted by Renee Phillips on  Tuesday, 23 March 2021

New Feng Shui Koi painting available from my Gallery
Koi For Love

Good for the Feng Shui Love & Relationships area
Prints also available

"Bluebells With Butterflies" is a blissful and vibrant painting by Julia Underwood, Jewells Art, who is the Featured Artist of the Week on The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS online gallery. Her art offers us a peaceful refuge and an escape from our concerns and restores harmony and balance.

"Bluebells With Butterflies" is a blissful and vibrant painting by Julia Underwood, Jewells Art, who is the Featured...

Posted by Renee Phillips on Monday, 30 November 2020

Thank you to the Buyer who commissioned me to paint Majesty Waterfall. Prints are now available from the Gallery

If you would like to Commission your own unique piece of art you can find more information on my web page - How to Commission a Painting
or contact me:

Thank you to the Buyer who commissioned me to paint Lorca Castle and sent me some lovely photos of it in it's new home.

If you would like to Commission your own unique piece of art you can find more information on my web page - How to Commission a Painting
or contact me:

Thank you to the Buyer who commissioned me to paint a larger version of Wealth & Blessings Koi, which I've just finished.

Featured in the Fine Art America Groups: Colors Blue Photography and Paints 03/01/2020,
Painting The Old Way 06/01/2020 and Fish Artists 07/01/2020

Thank you to the buyer who bought my Koi For Love 2 original painting
and for the lovely photo of it mounted and framed in their home.
Koi For Love Prints

New Original Feng Shui Koi painting available from my Gallery
Koi For Love 2

Good for the Feng Shui Relationships area

Koi for Love 2 has been featured in 2 Fine Art America Groups in Oct 2019: Fish Artists and Painting the Old Way.

I've just finished a Commission of Lorca Castle in Spain, with the 21st century cables and tarmac removed.

click on the image to see a larger view

Lorca Castle has also been featured on Fine Art America in October where prints are available 

Thank you to the buyer who bought this Five Blessings Print and for the lovely photo of it mounted and framed in their home.
Five Blessings Koi Print

Thank you to the Buyer in Los Angeles USA who bought my Relaxing Read painting
More miniatures are available from the Tiny Gallery.

Thank you to the Buyer in Singapore who bought my Angels Rising paintings
Prints are available from my Gallery
Angels Rising.

Thank you to the Buyer in Wales who bought my latest Feng Shui Pathway painting
Prints are available from my Gallery
The Lilac Path, Rest Awhile.

The Lilac Path has been featured in 2 Fine Art America Groups in May 2019; Brilliant Colours and Beauty in Art.

New Feng Shui Koi painting available from my Gallery
Koi For Love

Good for the Feng Shui Relationships area
Prints also available

Koi for Love has been featured in 3 Fine Art America Groups in June 2019: Fish Artists, Painting the Old Way and Beauty in Art.

Very proud to say I am now a member of the Healing Power of Art & Artists


I'd Love to Hear From You


Telephone: 01522 811464